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About Creative Crucian

Creative Crucian is a visual display of the creative expressions of Whitly Charles Hamilton. A Crucian is a person born on St. Croix; one of the four US Virgin Islands. Culture is a major influencing factor in Whitly's creativity; be that through graphic design, fine art, writing, or cooking. Growing up on the beautiful island of St. Croix has given her a deep love and appreciation of culture, color, food, and people.

The arts have always been significant to Whitly and she constantly finds ways to incorporate art into her daily life.

You can learn more about Whitly here.

7 Vibrant Swatches

Products available in 7 vibrant madras swatches.


Colors, Culture, Creativity

While I love to see a sleek, clean website or user interface, there is something about tactile design that does it for me. I've had many ideas throughout the years, stationery, greeting cards, t-shirts even, but nothing piqued my interest despite my love for physical goods. It wasn't until I rebranded a few years ago did I realize what was missing; my culture.

I am proud to present my madras-inspired stationery and product line. You can view the entire product line and other culturally inspired items here.
